Shiraz hosts 1st conference on urban environment
Shiraz, the “Asian Capital of Environment 2024” has hosted the first International Urban Environment Conference in the closing days of the year.
The conference, inaugurated by a speech from Shiraz Mayor Mohammad Hassan Asadi and a video message from AMF SG Hamidreza Gholamzadeh, featured technical panels on urban management and environmental topics, as well as a ceremony honoring prominent professors and experts in the field.
In his message, AMF SG underlined the role of cities and urban management in sustainable development. Mr. Gholamzadeh, introducing the Asian Capitals initiative and hailing the measures taken by Shiraz Municipality, deemed the efforts decisive in the city’s election as the Asian Capital of Environment 2024. He said municipalities and local governments possess a great capacity to fulfil the SDGs at urban, national, and international levels, and such conventions facilitate this process.
Over 250 papers were submitted to the conference secretariat, some of which were presented as speeches, while others were showcased as posters during the event, held on 26 December. A cartoon festival was also organized as one of the conference’s side events.

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