- Country: Iran
- City: Kashan
- Population: 304,478
- Area: km2
Mayor: Kiyomars Mohammadpour
Kiyomarth Mohammadpour (born on May 1, 1349) is currently serving the people of Diar Mominan as the mayor of Kashan. resume 1) Vice President of Human Capital Planning and Development of Tehran Municipality, District 20 2) Director General of the Preparedness Office of the Crisis Management Organization of the country 3) Director General of the Armed Forces Coordination Office of the Crisis Management Organization of the country 4) Deputy official and financial administrative assistant of Kashan municipality 5) Vice President of the Center for Development of Management and Resources of the Crisis Management Organization of the country 6) Director of planning, budget, organizations of the country's crisis management organization 7) Vice President of Planning and Support of Qazvin Province Housing and Urban Development Organization 8) Head of the receiving and payment department of the Ministry of Interior 9) The head of the planning and implementation department of the non-active defense security and regulation department 10) Head of the fourth department (plans and security studies) Shak 11) Accountable Deputy of the Organization of Municipalities and Villages of the country while maintaining the position of the head of the receiving and payment department
Kashan is the center of Kashan city in Isfahan province. Kashan is called Darul Mominin, the city of flowers and roses, the city of historical houses, and the carpet capital of the world. This city is the birthplace of one of the oldest civilizations in the world called Silk, which is more than seven thousand years old. This city has the first settlement and urbanization civilization. Kashan has more than 1,700 historical works, of which 333 are registered in the National Register and the Fine Garden is registered in the UNESCO
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