  • Country: Türkiye
  • City: Istanbul
  • Population: 16,047,000
  • Area: 1,539 km2


Karam Imamoglu is a businessman and politician from Turkey and the current mayor of Istanbul

Membership in the executive board:

This city is the second term president of AMF

Istanbul is the largest city and the most populated Turkish city in Turkey and the cultural and economic center of this country. The population of this city is reported to be about 18,867,724 people in the statistics of 2024, making Istanbul the second largest metropolis after Cairo. Also, this city is the largest metropolis in Europe. This city is located next to the Bosphorus Strait, Marmara Sea and Black Sea. The Bes Strait separates Asia and Europe, and Istanbul is the only big city in the world that is on two cultural continents. The natural port of Golden Horn or Gulf is located in this city.

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